* 5.45 € / 12 m. da 3 set ordinati
* 4.95 € / 12 m. da 5 set ordinati

Available gauge : 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 / 1.30 / 1.35 mm.
Packaging : 12 m.
Composition : Co-polyester monofilament.

The First Round is a good all-rounder string based on the formula of our bestseller Black Edge with improvements for players looking for power and soft sensations. It is a comfortable co-poly that does not skimp on power or spin potential. This string's unique comfort comes in part from polyethylene additives designed to boost elasticity. Minimal loss of tension, very high durability with good power. It will suit many playing styles.

Available in many gauges, it is also possible to hybrid a thick gauge in mains with a thinner gauge in crosses to maximise the spin.


High-tech copolyester

 Multiple gauges to adjust power and control

 Excellent ball control and touch

 High Power

 Comfortable feel thanks to polyethylene additives that boost elasticity

 Outstanding Spin Potential

 Great Durability

 Resistance to Movement

 Great value for money


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