Available gauge : 1.22 / 1.26 mm.
Packaging : 200 m.
Composition : Octogonal Soft Co-Polyester.

With the Powersoft, our goal was to design a string that would provide a level of comfort never before achieved with a monofilament. By adding a special additive up to the maximum possible, our teams were able to create a string with a remarkable flexibility (stiffness index of 0.42 kg/mm). Thus the impact on the articular chain and the arm muscles is greatly reduced. The Powersoft, as its name indicates, gives maximum power while easing the player's arm; the speed of the ball can be obtained without necessarily having muscular power. The spin is good too because the string is lightly structured and the tension stability is constant over time, without any string movement.

Note : As the Powersoft is an extremely flexible monofilament, we recommend that you let the stringing machine work as long as possible when stretching the string and we advise to string at low speed.


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