A. General terms and conditions

1. Scope

The internet shop "www.dyreex.com" is operated by Line Sport Distribution, 9 impasse Mazarin, 34110 Frontignan, Trade & Corporate Register : 510 053 986 00061, (here in after, referred to as: "Dyreex"). As far as the business relationship between Dyreex and the customer is concerned, only below stated general terms and conditions apply in its valid version at the time the order is placed. Any differing terms from the part of the customer will not be recognized and are hereby expressly objected to.

2. Contract Conclusion

2.1 The product descriptions in the web shop of Dyreex are not binding offers of the seller, but serve the purpose of a binding offer by the customer.

2.2 An order can be placed at Dyreex as follows:
via the internet page www.dyreex.com
or by mail to the address listed below
In any case, an order is only possible if the customer has identified himself prior by his e-mail address or some other form of personal information.

2.3 If minors want to place an order at Dyreex, the approval of their legal guardian is required.

2.4 By placing an order, the customer places a binding offer to conclude a sales contract. Dyreex will then send him/her a confirmation of receipt of the order via e-mail. This e-mail only serves as non-binding information to the customer. A contract between Dyreex and the customer only comes into existence, when:
Dyreex sends an order confirmation per e-mail to the customer, or
Dyreex ships the ordered items to the customer, or
Dyreex asks the customer for payment after he/she placed his/her order

3. Right of withdrawal

Consumers have a statutory right of withdrawal as follows, whereby a consumer is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes which can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor his self-employed professional activity.

3.1 Instruction for withdrawal
You have the right to revoke this contract within fourteen days without giving reasons.
The revocation period is fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, took or has taken possession of the last goods.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter send by post or e-mail).
The order termination is to be sent to:
By letter send by post:
Line Sport Distribution - Dyreex
9 impasse Mazarin
34110 Frontignan
By e-mail: contact@dyreex.com

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the revocation period.

3.2 Consequences of withdrawal
If you revoke this Agreement, we shall reimburse you immediately and no later than fourteen days from the date on which we receive notice of your revocation of this Agreement for all payments we have received from you, including delivery charges (other than additional charges arising from your choice of a method of delivery other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), including any additional costs incurred by you as a result of your choice of such a method of delivery. For this refund we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no event will you be charged for this refund. We may refuse to refund until we have received the goods back or until you have provided evidence that you have returned the goods, whichever is earlier.
You must return the goods to us immediately and in any case within fourteen days of the day on which you notify us of the withdrawal of this contract at the latest. This period shall be deemed to have been met if you dispatch the goods before expiry of the period of fourteen days.
You are responsible for the return shipping costs. You shall only be liable for any loss in value of the goods if such loss in value is due to handling of the goods which is not necessary for testing their condition, properties and functionality.

4. Delivery

4.1 Dyreex will inform the customer via email, when order is shipped. In exceptions (especially if the products are out of stock or if bulk goods are being ordered) there can be a difference of up to 15 business days between receipt of payment and delivery.
4.2 If the products selected by the customer are not available at the time the order is placed, Dyreex will inform the customer upon receipt of the order. If there is a possible delivery delay of more than two weeks, the customer will be informed about the delay and has the right to cancel his order.

5. Ownership of Goods

The products remain the property of Dyreex until they have been fully paid for. If third parties claim access to conditional property (for example via garnishment) the customer immediately has to notify Dyreex.

6. Prices and Shipping Costs

6.1 All prices are issued in Euros and contain the respectively applicable value added tax determined by law. Depending on the order amount and the final destination, additional shipping costs may apply. The products will be shipped tax free as far as all deliveries outside of the European Union or Shengen area are concerned. However, the customer is required to declare the goods in the country they are being shipped to.

7. Forms of Payment

7.1 We accept the following forms of payment:
Bank Transfer:
French Bank Details: Caisse d'épargne,
Account Name: Line Sport Distribution
IBAN : FR76 1348 5008 0008 0108 7928 142
Bank Name and Location: 3 RUE HONORE EUZET - 34200 SETE.
Credit Card by Stripe or PayPal (VISA, American Express and MASTERCARD). Your data will be transferred encrypted in the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) standard. At present, SSL is the most popular and secure data transmission system on the internet.
PAYPAL. Please note: PayPal refunds made more than 60 days after the original payment are considered new payments and regular PayPal fees for receiving money will incur. Dyreex will refund the value of the product returned; the total amount of money received will reflect the refund less any PayPal fees.
Cheque. For french citizens.

7.2 Delivery of the ordered goods only occurs after payment has been received by Dyreex.

8. Defect Warranty, Guarantee

8.1 Dyreex is liable for defects in accordance with the respective legally applicable regulations, particularly section 434 et seq. BGB.

8.2 Guarantee only exists with regard to the goods shipped by Dyreex if this has been expressly stated in the order confirmation of the respective product.

8.3 Starting with the delivery, the time bar for rights to claim damages for any defects amounts to 12 months for companies and to 24 months for consumers.

9. Liability

9.1 Dyreex is fully liable
with regard to culpable injury to life, body or health
if and to the extent of liability in accordance with the product liability law and
if and to the extent Dyreex violates a warranty based on a contract and legal requirements call for liability

9.2 Dyreex is liable in accordance with the legal requirements if it violates key contractual obligations. Unless Dyreex acts grossly negligent or intentionally causes damages, liability is limited to typically occurring foreseeable damages. Key contractual obligations are obligations which determine the typical purpose of the contract, and whose completion only enables the proper execution of the contract and the contractual partner can rely on them being adhered to on a regular basis.

9.3 Dyreex is only liable for any other violations of obligations if the damage was caused intentionally or due to gross negligence by a legal representative or auxiliary person.

9.4 Unless something different is stated above, claims for damages against Dyreex resulting from violations of obligations are excluded.

10. Links to our website

Every hyperlink to the website www.dyreex.com requires prior written approval by Line Sport Distribution. If you have any questions, please send them via e-mail to contact@dyreex.com.

11. Data privacy
You will find detailed information in the topic Privacy and data protection.

12. Applicable law

12.1 For all legal relationships of the parties involved the French law is applicable under exclusion of laws of international purchases of movable goods.

12.2 If the customer is a merchant, a corporate body under public law or legal public fund assets, the only place of jurisdiction is the registered office of the seller for all litigations arising from this contract. This applies also if the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in France or in the EU or in the case if the place of residence or the habitual residence is not known at the time of the commencement of proceedings. The permission to take legal action at another legal place of jurisdiction remains unaffected.

12.3 The contract language is French.

B. Customer information

1. Information about the seller's identity
Line Sport Distribution

Commercial name : Dyreex
9 impasse Mazarin
34110 Frontignan

eMail: contact@dyreex.com
eMail: line.sport.distribution@gmail.com

Register number: 510 053 986 00061
VAT Number : FR65 510053986

2. Information about essential characteristics of the goods or services

The essential characteristics of the goods or services can be seen in the appropriate product presentations.

3. Information about the conclusion of contract

The conclusion of contract is done according to point 2 of the general terms and conditions of the seller (see above).

4. Information about payment and delivery

Payment is done according to point 4, delivery takes place according to point 5 of the general terms and conditions of the seller (see above).

5. Information about the storage of the contract text

The contract text is stored by the seller. The customer gets this text together with the general terms and conditions and the customer information after having sent his/her order. The customer gets it in text form (e. g. email, fax or letter). Additionally, the contract text is archived on the seller's webpage.

6. Information about technical possibilities to identify type errors and correct them

The customer can regularly correct his/her data via the usual keyboard and mouse functions before the mandatory sending of the order. Furthermore, all entries are shown in a confirmation field before the mandatory sending of the order. In this field, they can be modified via the usual keyboard and mouse functions.

7. Information about languages which are available for the conclusion of contract

Only the French language is available for the conclusion of contract.

8. Information about the code of conduct to which the seller has submitted

The seller has not submitted to any code of conduct.


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