Available gauge : 1.25 / 1.30 mm.
Packaging : 12 m.
Composition : Twisted pentagonal Co-Polyester.

The Black Edge Whirl is the twisted version of the Black Edge, in order to get you more control and spin. It is a comfortable co-polyester with massive spin potential and surgical targeting on full swings. With its twisted five sided profile, the Black Edge Whirl puts a tight grip on the ball, making it easier for the strings to grab and load the ball with spin. Designed  with softening agents like polyethylene additives, this string is able to provide much more comfort and power than a standard polyester.


 High-tech copolyester

 Unique twisted pentagonal shape creates massive spin potential

 Excellent ball control and touch

 High Power

 Comfortable feel thanks to polyethylene additives that boost elasticity

 Great Durability

 Resistance to Movement

 Great value for money

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